Hi, I'm Bea!
Your about page is the chance for clients to get to know you a bit more. where you can share more personal details about your life & work. This intro text is just that - an introduction. Think of it as a warm hello and welcome into your virtual "office" so they can begin to feel a connection with you.
- Bea Jones
Strong statement you want to have POP! goes here.
Why I do what I do...
This section is all about on WHY you do what you do. What is unique about your approach? What do potential clients need to know about how you work with them that will help them be able to tell the difference between you and the other professionals in your region who offer similar services?
Don't get too caught up in your resume details! They are relevant, but not the key content for this page. There's a place below where you can include them!
My background & training
It is important to establish your expertise by sharing your background & training. What brought you to this work? What are your credentials?
A word of caution, however: I do believe there is a line that can be crossed of "too much", causing your own story to become the focus of your site instead of what the site visitor is seeking. If you choose to share personal details such as your birth story, weight loss journey, the depression that led you to become a life coach, etc... I encourage you to focus more on how your experience shaped your practice rather than the specific details of what happened.